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OECD WISE Centre & Persol Holdings Virtual Workshop on Advancing Employee Well-being in Business and Finance

Duration : 01:58:28 | Date : Nov 22, 2023

People’s experiences at work are an important factor in shaping their well-being. Working conditions affect people’s physical and mental health, the quantity and quality of leisure time, their sense of meaning and purpose in life, and ultimately, the way they experience their life overall. Recent developments have put new pressures on the working environment, but may also provide opportunities. The digital transformation may make certain components of work easier, but it has also added new stressors. The pandemic has provided an additional impetus to rethink work and new, flexible arrangements. In the meantime, investors are increasingly interested in what businesses are doing to manage their impacts on people and related risks, and businesses are eager to understand which interventions are effective in improving the quality of the working environment and the well-being of employees. In 2022, the OECD WISE Centre, together with the WPE Foundation and the Nikkei-led Well-being Initiative, of which Persol is a member, implemented a pilot employee well-being survey in order to operationalise its well-being measurement framework in companies. The results of the pilot survey are informative for companies and potentially investors, and call for further action to improve well-being, as well as a greater understanding of what drives employee well-being. All this warrants advancing the conversation around the role of businesses and finance in promoting the well-being of employees, including why well-being matters and what companies and investors can do to measure and manage employee well-being. On the occasion of ‘Labour Thanksgiving Day’ in Japan, this workshop will provide a space for companies, academics and government actors to engage in a discussion on this topic.
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