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Building Back Better Lives: A Pandemic Recovery that Works for Well-Being, 25 November 2021

Duration : 02:26:05 | Date : Nov 25, 2021

On the first anniversary of the new OECD Centre for Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE), join us to hear highlights from our new report: COVID-19 and Well-being: Life in the Pandemic, and to discuss how to make COVID-19 recovery plans work for well-being. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the strong interdependencies between the social, economic, relational and environmental outcomes that underpin people’s well-being. Emergency government supports in OECD countries played an important role in cushioning the immediate impacts of the pandemic on jobs and average incomes, and digital technology has been a key enabler for some types of work, learning and access to services. Nevertheless, many people have been struggling, financially, socially, and with their health. The pandemic has tested societal safety nets and deepened the consequences of pre-existing differences in access to economic opportunities, good housing and digital infrastructure, good health prospects and the ability to stay safe. While short-term policy efforts have targeted limiting the impacts of COVID-19 on livelihoods, no policy-making in the recovery can afford to ignore the climate and biodiversity crises that long predate the pandemic, and which will similarly touch on almost every aspect of people’s lives. Building back better lives means identifying a coherent package of policies that work together to recover well-being losses, broaden access to opportunity, and lay strong foundations for future well-being – first and foremost by investing in people and protecting the planet. As shown by the new OECD report, COVID-19 and Well-being: Life in the Pandemic, a well-being lens can provide a comprehensive assessment of the extent of the damage done by the pandemic, and what repairs are needed. It also highlights societal issues that were often problems before the pandemic, but which have become more acute as a result of it. Beyond measurement, the report describes how a well-being lens offers a framework for shaping the design and delivery of policies, to optimise impacts across the multifaceted challenges that governments face in more coherent and cost-effective ways. On the first anniversary of the new OECD Centre for Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE), join us to hear highlights from the new report, and to discuss how to make COVID-19 recovery plans work for well-being.
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