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Webinar 1 - Measuring people’s perceptions, evaluations and experiences: Why they matter and what can we learn from them?

Duration : 01:54:40 | Date : Oct 02, 2020

The value of measuring people’s perceptions and experiences has been increasingly recognised by statisticians, researchers and policy makers, especially with the major growth of scientific literature dealing with the potential methodological and interpretative concerns of subjective measurement over the last decade. On an individual level, measures of people’s perceptions and experiences give insight into the way that people learn, work, and live, and what makes their lives satisfactory and happy, or what causes them pain and stress. At a social level, they are potentially powerful indicators that can signal wider problems in people’s lives, capturing prevailing sentiment, and predicting behaviour. This session will present the insights of experts who have been at the forefront of advancing knowledge on the measurement people’s perceptions, evaluations and experiences, and in promoting their use, for many years. They will present their work and key lessons learned as well as exploring the research and public policy applications, with a particular focus on their relevance for Latin America. Moderator: Marco Mira d’Ercole, Counsellor, WISE (Centre for Well-being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunities), OECD and Xavier Mancero, Chief of the Social Statistics Unit, ECLAC Speakers: Marta Lagos, Founder and Director, Latinobarómetro; Eric Harrison, Deputy Director, European Social Survey and Carol Graham, Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow and Research Director in Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution.
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