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The short and winding road to 2030: Measuring the distance to the SDGs

Duration : 00:54:45 | Date : Apr 27, 2022

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 by all members of the United Nations, has an unprecedented ambition, but also confronts national governments with an enormous challenge for implementation given the complex and integrated nature of the Agenda with its 17 Goals, underpinned by 169 Targets. This virtual high-level roundtable brought together government representatives from across OECD countries who have taken action to put the 2030 Agenda at the top of the policy agenda. They discussed their ongoing progress towards achieving the SDGs and reaffirm the relevance of this important agenda in the context of the COVID-19 recovery phase. This will also be the opportunity for the OECD to present its new report The Short and Winding Road to 2030: Measuring Distance to the SDG Targets that aims to assist countries, in their implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Based on the Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals, and leveraging UN and OECD data, this report provides a high-level assessment of OECD member countries’ performance across the Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda. Using a unique methodology allowing comparison of progress across SDG goals and targets, and over time, it evaluates the distance that OECD countries need to travel to meet SDG targets. The report also identifies the long-term trends and considers how these may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing a high-level overview of countries’ strengths and weaknesses in performance across the SDGs, it aims to support member countries in navigating the SDGs and in setting their own priorities for action within the broad 2030 Agenda.
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