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Steering child well-being policies with good data, 5 July 2022

Duration : 01:19:41 | Date : Jul 05, 2022

Launch of the OECD Child Well-Being Dashboard and roundtable discussion Hybrid event (with some speakers joining in person) Child well-being policies have a key role to play in ensuring that all children get a good start to life and are well prepared for our fast-changing world. Developing effective child well-being policies requires government action on multiple fronts to ensure that the needs of children are fulfilled in the various domains that matter for their well-being and development; and policy decisions need to be informed by compelling evidence on how children fare and on the disadvantages many children experience in their life. The development of key child well-being metrics is critical for building a shared understanding of where children are doing well, and where they are not. Child well-being metrics help map how children fare in different life areas, as well as the quality of the environments in which they live. This information is essential for identifying where key challenges lie, for drawing attention to critical trends, and for prompting the action needed to reduce inequalities and level the playing field. The OECD has released a new OECD Child Well-Being Dashboard with key international indicators on child well-being and disparities in child well-being between and within countries. This information is complemented by around 200 child well-being measures in the OECD Child Well-Being Data Portal, which has been updated to reflect the structure of the child well-being measurement framework developed in the OECD’s 2021 report Measuring What Matters for Child Well-being and Policies. Together, these tools shed light on how children are doing in the many dimensions that matter most for their well-being. This virtual launch and roundtable discussion brought together representatives from across OECD countries and civil society, and experts from international organisations to explore why, when and how child well-being indicators can be used to improve policies for children. Speakers discussed the types of data they think are most relevant for ensuring that the needs of children are well understood, as well as how child indicators can be used to build a consensus on policy priorities and enhance the child policy-making and monitoring processes. The launch also provided an opportunity to discuss ongoing child data needs and challenges, including the need to collect more qualitative information on children’s relationships and resources at home and at school, in their neighbourhoods, their community, and in the digital environment. The event was open to all, including media, policy professionals, civil society, data scientists, and others interested in this important agenda.
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