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Well-being Analytics for Policy Use in Italy Incorporating Equitable and Sustainable Well-being Indicators in Policy and Budget Decision-making, 30 May 2022

Duration : 02:40:19 | Date : May 30, 2022

As governments grow increasingly interested in using well-being measures to evaluate policies and steer budget decisions, it is necessary to develop suitable modelling tools that can support detailed impact analyses. Among OECD countries, Italy has been the first to link a set of well-being indicators to its economic policy programming. The reform law n. 163/2016 provided for the incorporation of Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (ESW) indicators into the policy-making process, with the aim of providing a strong institutional framework for embedding well-being indicators in the policy cycle. This issue of multidimensional well-being is also strongly connected with the frameworks of UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as with the EU National Recovery and Resilience Plans. The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy has sought to strengthen the ESW indicator framework by developing its modelling capacity, with the support of the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission and the OECD. In this project, the OECD WISE Centre has developed several models for the following three ESW indicators: (1) (perceived) healthy life expectancy at birth; (2) the share of population with excess weight (obese or overweight); and (3) the rate of early leavers from education and training systems. Overall, the models highlight a wide range of policy-amenable input determinants of ESW outcomes. Moreover, the OECD Governance Directorate has consulted a large number of Italian institutions to develop an Action Plan on improving the use of well-being metrics in budget-setting. The key highlights from the Action Plan will be presented. This conference was organised as part of the project on ‘Modelling of Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being Indicators for Policy Use’, supported by the EU’s Structural Reform Support Programme and implemented in cooperation with the European Commission.
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