UEP v1.9.6


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Session 4 - International Conference on Measuring Well being “Beyond GDP” in Asia, South East Asia, and Korea

Duration : 01:18:04 | Date : Oct 05, 2023

Session 4: Unpacking well-being challenges in Asia: measuring the well-being of vulnerable populations and groups left behind Moderator: Jihye Lee, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD WISE Centre Speakers: Emma Porio, Professor, Ateneo de Manila University; Min Sang Yoo, Research Fellow, National Youth Policy Institute; Phung Duc Tung Phung Duc Tung, Director, Mekong Development Research Institute Director, Mekong Development Research Institute. Evidence has shown how reducing inequalities can be highly beneficial for society as evidence has shown how reducing inequalities can be highly beneficial for society as a whole. Yet inequalities in Asia remain pervasive, for instance across individuals of different. Yet inequalities in Asia remain pervasive, for instance across individuals of different age, income, level of education, gender, ethnicity and age, income, level of education, gender, ethnicity and place of living. Inequalities are also qualities are also multidimensional and compound in several economic and nonmultidimensional and compound in several economic and non-economic dimensions, economic dimensions, making it key to adopt well making it key to adopt well-being measurement approaches that can look at these being measurement approaches that can look at these interrelations and how they, sometimes, transmit over time and across places. interrelations and how they, sometimes, transmit over time and across places. By presenting By presenting empirical evidence on well-being of vulnerable groups and communities in Asia, the being of vulnerable groups and communities in Asia, the speakers will discuss which groups have been left behind and which specific data and discuss which groups have been left behind and which specific data and statistical approaches are needed to best map progress made by these communities. The session will also look at the use of qualitative information, with a focus on lived experiences session will also look at the use of qualitative information, with a focus on lived experiences of disadvantaged communities. of disadvantaged communities.
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